In the sprawling metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, where the highways are often filled with large commercial trucks, accidents involving these massive vehicles can have devastating consequences. When such accidents...
In the aftermath of a personal injury, the physical and emotional toll can be overwhelming. Navigating the legal system and interacting with insurance companies adds another layer of stress to...
Interviewer: Congratulations on achieving the prestigious AV Preeminent rating from Martindale-Hubbell, Garrick. Can you tell us what this recognition means to you?
Garrick McFadden: Thank...
Estate planning is not an easy process but involves wills creation, trusts, guardianships, and other papers to support the valid transfer and management of...
In today’s competitive enterprise environment, non-compete agreements have emerged as a common device used by employers to shield their commercial business hobbies. These contracts,...
In nowadays complex felony panorama, finding the proper legal professional can be daunting. Whether you're managing a non-public harm case, seeking circle of relatives’...
Defining Personal Injury
Personal injury law covers cases where someone gets hurt because of another person's actions or lack of action. This can include physical...